Boosting my daily practice with the Major Arcana

I like to invite the energies of the Major Arcana to help me tackle the week ahead in my daily spiritual practice. By using the symbols associated with the cards as a kind of rune or mark, I can draw them in wax, on my skin, or even in my journal. I also create affirmations to set my intentions for the day, which helps me begin each morning with positivity and a strong spiritual connection.


This card reminds me to stay calm and tap into my inner reserves of strength when I feel challenged. It aligns perfectly with the Nine of Wands’ message of resilience. I’ll carry the energy of patience and courage with me.


“I am strong and patient. I trust in my ability to overcome any challenge with grace.”

The Emperor

The Emperor brings discipline and structure, helping me stay grounded as I work towards my goals. It encourages me to lead with confidence and stay focused, just like the Page of Pentacles. I’ll use this energy to organize my plans and move forward with determination.


“I create a solid foundation for my success through discipline and focused action.”

The Magician

The Magician reminds me that I have all the tools I need to manifest my goals. It encourages me to take action and trust my resourcefulness. This energy aligns with the Queen of Wands’ confidence, and I’ll use it to take initiative and bring my plans to life.


“I am capable and resourceful. I manifest my desires with confidence and clarity.”

The Sun

The Sun brings positivity and clarity to my week. It helps me stay optimistic and focused on the bright side, even when things feel tough. I’ll carry this energy with me to radiate confidence and joy, just like the Queen of Wands.


“I embrace the joy and success that flows into my life. I shine brightly and inspire others.”

The Chariot

The Chariot encourages me to push forward with determination and willpower. It supports my resilience in the face of challenges, just like the Nine of Wands. I’ll move ahead with confidence, knowing that I’m in control of my own success.


“I am determined and focused. I move forward with confidence, knowing that I am unstoppable.”


These cards remind me to stay strong, organized, and positive as I move through the week, using the energy of resilience, confidence, and focus to achieve what I set out to do.

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