Old Town Witch https://oldtownwitch.com/ Unlocking the Magic Within Tue, 28 May 2024 17:44:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 Feminism is a man-made issue. https://oldtownwitch.com/feminism-is-a-man-made-issue/ https://oldtownwitch.com/feminism-is-a-man-made-issue/#respond Tue, 28 May 2024 20:20:00 +0000 https://oldtownwitch.com/?p=859 The post Feminism is a man-made issue. appeared first on Old Town Witch.


The post Feminism is a man-made issue. appeared first on Old Town Witch.

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Men are not logical creatures! https://oldtownwitch.com/men-are-not-logical-creatures/ https://oldtownwitch.com/men-are-not-logical-creatures/#respond Tue, 21 May 2024 20:20:00 +0000 https://oldtownwitch.com/?p=850 The post Men are not logical creatures! appeared first on Old Town Witch.


The post Men are not logical creatures! appeared first on Old Town Witch.

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Enhancing Tarot Study with ChatGPT: A Personal Approach https://oldtownwitch.com/enhancing-tarot-study-chatgpt/ https://oldtownwitch.com/enhancing-tarot-study-chatgpt/#respond Mon, 04 Dec 2023 16:00:23 +0000 https://oldtownwitch.com/?p=803 Lately, I’ve integrated ChatGPT into my tarot study routine. My method involves pulling cards, conducting my readings, and then diving […]

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Image showing six tarot cards arranged for a weekly readingLately, I’ve integrated ChatGPT into my tarot study routine. My method involves pulling cards, conducting my readings, and then diving into further studies—whether through books or digital resources—to ensure I’m free from personal biases. I’m an advocate for leveraging internet tools to accelerate my personal tarot practice.

You –
I did a tarot reading for what I needed to keep in mind for the upcoming week. The three cards pulled was the 10 of cups, ace of Pentacles and 9 of Pentacles.
ChatGPT –

That’s an intriguing trio of cards! The 10 of Cups usually hints at emotional fulfillment, harmony, or joy in relationships or family matters. The Ace of Pentacles signals new opportunities, especially in terms of finances, career, or a fresh start. The 9 of Pentacles often represents independence, luxury, or enjoying the rewards of hard work. Looks like a week with potential for emotional satisfaction, new beginnings, and reaping the benefits of your efforts! How do these resonate with what’s going on in your life lately?

You –
After I pulled the above cards, I asked, what will I not see coming? And was given, three of wands, Queen of swords, and knight of cups.
ChatGPT –

Interesting mix there! The Three of Wands often indicates expansion, looking ahead, or exploring new horizons. The Queen of Swords embodies clarity, intellect, or someone with a sharp mind and direct communication style. The Knight of Cups typically represents romantic gestures, creativity, or a dreamy, emotionally-driven approach to situations. It seems like there might be unexpected opportunities on the horizon that involve forward-thinking, clear communication, and a touch of emotional depth. How do these resonate with your thoughts about the week ahead.

You – 
Sounds pretty solid to me … thank you.
ChatGPT – 

You’re welcome! Tarot readings can offer some intriguing insights. If anything interesting unfolds during the week, feel free to share. Wishing you a fantastic and fulfilling week ahead!

Disclaimer : My reading wasn’t asking specifically about the first date, just the energy for the week ahead.

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